Expanding your logistics operations can strengthen your brand and increase your market potential.

Adhering to the internationalization of your logistics operations is part of the goals of companies from various segments. After all, with globalization, there has been a consequent increase in the production of goods and services. Therefore, there is a greater need to expand markets and ensure business presence in international trade.

Here are 3 advantages of internationalizing operations:

1. Entering new markets

Primeiramente, internacionalizar suas operações logísticas é uma ótima oportunidade de ampliar o seu mercado. Ou seja, existem possibilidades que incluem aumentar a fonte de vendas conquistando novos clientes. Além disso, explorar novos mercados inclui a chance de desenvolver variações do produto, por exemplo, com base nas preferências de novos públicos.

Firstly, internationalizing your logistics operations is a great opportunity to expand your market. In other words, there are possibilities that include increasing the sales source by gaining new customers. Moreover, exploring new markets includes the chance to develop product variations, for example, based on the preferences of new audiences.

2. Increasing sources of revenue and profits

Similarly, your company also diversifies its revenue sources from the home country and abroad. That is, it reduces dependence on a single income source and gains a more stable financial flow.

3. Expanding market share

Exploring international markets also allows the expansion of your market share. Thus, your brand gains a competitive advantage and receives more global visibility, providing growth opportunities and new partnerships.

And what are the challenges of internationalizing your operations?

However, although these advantages are quite relevant for your company, it is also necessary to pay attention to the difficulties. This is because overcoming the barriers of the external market includes some of the main obstacles of Brazilian foreign trade, such as tariff and transportation costs.

There is also the impasse of offering a competitive price, bureaucracy, and the complexity of legislations. Another factor that can make the process difficult is the need to define a target market for the company's insertion into the international scenario.

VIP Forwarding: specialized solution in international logistics 🌎

To adhere to internationalization in your logistics system and solve other customs procedures, count on VIP Forwarding! This solution from VIP Global is a foreign trade specialty, prepared to carry out export and import in air, sea, and road modes. Watch and learn more:

Strategic units in the main logistical hubs of Brazil and the world to expand your company internationally. 

VIP Forwarding has expertise in end-to-end services and also has a cargo hub warehouse and fulfillment center strategically positioned in Orlando/USA. It handles order management, storage, technical inspection, packaging, and other fundamental pre-shipment stages. This solution also has more units located in Miami, Lisbon, and São Paulo, facilitating the movement of logistics operations.

VIP Forwarding’s cargo hub warehouse and fulfillment center headquartered in Orlando

As seen, the internationalization of logistics operations strengthens the presence of various businesses. And VIP Forwarding is the ideal partner to enable foreign trade, as it debureaucratizes processes and makes this practice a success for companies.

Have doubts about the benefits of internationalizing your operations? Contact us and speak with one of our specialists.


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